Saturday, May 4, 2013

First Email

Sziasztok (hello everyone)!                                          4-24-2013
       I got your package! Either address works. Our district shares our mailbox. I think.
       My companion is awesome.  Giacalone Elder and I work fantastically together.  We have become very good friends and it's only been a week!
       Wednesdays are my P-day.  I would love for you to send these to everyone on the list.
        I am so sad to hear about Olivia.  That is a real tradgedy.  This whole week we have been learning a lot about the atonement of Jesus Christ.  I know it is real.  He did die for us and He did pay for our sins.  More than that, He knows how we feel.  He knows how to comfort us and give us solace.  In choir we sang hymn129:
        "Where can I turn for peace? Where is my solace?
          When other sources cease to make me whole...
          Who, who can understand? He. Only one."
       He. Only one. He knows. He knows. He lives and He loves us.  I know He does.  I know that He can heal us and comfort us and help us.  He is the way to eternal live. He. Only one.
                                                      Szeretlek (I love you)!    
                                                             Neely Elder

P.S. MTC life=one of the greatest things. Super fun. Super spiritual.

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