Thursday, June 6, 2013

The time is coming near!

Sziasztok Mindenki!
     How is everyone doing? I am doing fantastically. This week has been crazy, but really good. Today has been especially crazy(which is why it has taken me so long to get to doing this).
     Here is a couple of things from this week that you might want to know about:

       1. There are ducks on this campus. I have no idea why,but there are two ducks that just roam around on campus. They let you get pretty close. They just sit around. Giacalone Elder and I figured they were an old married couple that just liked to sit and quack at each other.

       2. Today (as of when we got out of the Temple) is the beginning of our Consecration Week. We only speak Hungarian. It is a week where we sacrifice good things for better things. Ergo we sacrifice speaking English for speaking Hungarian. I am also sacrificing soda and Giacalone and I are trying to be more obedient and on time. We are sacrificing as much as we can so that the Lord can help us as much as He can.

       3. We get our travel plans soon. As in like a couple of hours soon. Or they might come tomorrow. We're not sure. BUT THEY ARE COMING! Holy cow. This has all gone by in a blur. A tenth of my mission has gone by so fast. It is incredible.

       4. Yesterday, Giacalone Elder and I got to go over to the East MTC campus and participate in Teaching Experience. When I was a new missionary, they took us all into a room, introduced us to an investigator and then had some missionaries come and begin teaching the investigator. This time we got to be the missionaries. It was a really cool experience. We felt like we had gone full circle. Also, we realized that we have done almost every single thing both MTCs have been able to offer. We are truly blessed to have had so many wonderful experiences.

       5. Brighams Landing is like the best thing ever. Today I got to eat at Great Harvest and have a Jamba Juice Smoothie. It was fantastic. I also am just so excited to be able to go and teach people. It will be great!

     So that's about it for exciting things. This week has been a crazy roller coaster, but so exciting. I am so glad to be out here and I am itching to get to Hungary. Oh my goodness how I want to meet and speak with those people. It is going to be great.
     I hop all is well with everyone and that everything is going okay. I love you all so much and am so thrilled to be a missionary for this Gospel and to be a representative of Jesus Christ. I will always try to live up to His name.
         Sok szeretettel,
            Neely Elder

P.S. Sorry this is so short. This day has been crazy and we don't have a lot of time.
P.P.S. I only took one picture this week, crazy I know.
P.P.S.S. I love you so much!

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