Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Hello Everyone,
     Wow. Talk about crazy. I am doing pretty well. So, Szekesfehervar (say-kesh-feh-hair-var) is indeed beautiful! It is so pretty here. The streets are so pretty and everything is just amazing and I am here in the summer when everything is green and beautiful! It is awesome. It is definitely also the hardest ones to say. It is even annoying for me to say! There really is a ton of history here. This is where the great King of Hungary Szent Istvan was crowned King, so it is kind of a big deal.
     Blake Elder is super cool. He actually reminds me perfectly of Taylor Farnsworth. I am serving with Taylor Farnsworth! He has only been here for nine weeks.(Just a baby) It is so fun being around my Sisters! They are the best. There is only a branch here, they are really cool. We don't have a Senior couple here, but we are in a district with the other city by us, Veszpren.
     Things definitely are weird while serving a mission as far as keeping up with the happenings of school and stuff. Time works very strangely here. I just realized that including this one, I only have six transfers left. WEIRD. Where did the time go?
     I miss the temple so bad. This wasn't necessarily hard, but I definitely had my struggles. Like the fact that I can't spell Struggles LOL. But this week I have been thinking about the temple a lot and really, the thing that keeps me going sometimes is thinking about having all of the people I love together in the temple. I want to be with the people I love forever. To see them all in the temple would just be the greatest thing in the entire world.
     As far as this week. Fehervar has some really stellar things going for it. I met probably the greatest people in the world in my English class. Seriously. Such great people. So much fun. This week we have also found that almost every single one of our investigators went to the Balaton all at the same time LOL JK, but seriously they all disappeared. LOL. But this week has been super good.
     The transfer day was crazy as well. There were so many people there, because the entirety of the mission was moved basically. That was just ridiculous. I got to see all of my good missionary friends and we got to have lunch and it was just great. Then we got on a train and we were off. Lugging my luggage (lol see what I did there?) into our apartment was definitely the hardest trial of my mission so far. WHEN DID THEY GET SO HEAVY?! It was so hard, but after that we just went and dived straight into work. It was amazing. So that has pretty much been our week. Just so much work :) It is nice.
     I hope that this week was fantastic for all of you as well. I hope that next week will be great for you as well! Thank you for all the prayers and support. I am here to tell you: THEY ARE REAL.
     I love you all so much. There are very few things in this world that I am sure of. But I know this: 1.Heavenly Father loves us. Always has, always will. 2.The Gospel will and does bring happiness. 3. I love you. That is real.
     Neely Elder.
A member had a helmet... I put it on. #welcometohungary

A really tall building, and the stairwell thereof.

Tracting for days!

We went to an activity in Veszpern and I got to see all of my
favorite Kecskemet people!

More Kecskemet people!!

English class fun!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Here is the News!!

I am leaving Kecskemet. I am leaving and going to Szekesfehervar with Blake Elder. I am super excited about that, because it will just be fun and the Sisters are two from my MTC group!! That will be so great.
So that is transfers this week! This also means that I have legitimately 0 time to email. I am so sorry! But I will write a fantastic email next week, I promise! I love you all so much!
Sok szeretettel,
        Neely Elder.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Best Monday EVER!!I

It didn't work out to Skype on Mother's Day, so the next best
thing, Skyping on Monday instead of emailing!! It was so
good to see his face and hear his laugh! It was also fun to
hear him speak Hungarian, and tell us funny language mishaps!
We enjoyed it so much! 

I also got Langos this week! Which is basically a big scone.

I made Chocolate chip cookies! They were SO GOOD!


Stake Conference. We were well attended LOL.
Pretty boring, but really good! It was only boring,
because the sound didn't work LOL.

Friday, May 9, 2014

I hate being sick!!

Dearest family,
      This week was kind of the worst week ever, because I WAS SICK. I HATE BEING SICK. However, being sick at home is not the worst, because you know you can just lay down, watch a movie, go on YouTube, just relax, but on a mission you can only lay down and feel like crap and then feel bad that you can't go out and work and meet with people. It is the worst!
      Anywho. This last week sucked, but this week looks like it is going to be great! We just met an Irish girl here studying music, so that is awesome :) We plan on meeting with her.
      This week we got to meet with one of the member families. It was so much fun! The members here are seriously, just the bees knees. They are so great it is ridiculous. I love the members here. And they are so helpful! It was great.
      This week we also got to meet with a new family. So a member gave us a referral and we set up with them and went on over. So we walk in and it turns out that the whole family met with the missionaries WHEN HUNGARY FIRST OPENED TO MISSIONARY WORK! That is FOREVER ago. It was super cool though, because they were like, "We loved the missionaries, but then they just kind of stopped coming over and we never knew why." We are super excited about it :)
     Well, that is about it for my week! Insert a lot of sleeping time trying to get over this horrendous cold and that was how my week went! But this week looks great.
     Sorry this email is the lamest, but we will TALK SOON!!!
        I love you all so much!
            Sok szeretettel,
              Neely Elder.
A man riding a unicycle, by the ward building.

Cool house covered in green.

An abandoned coke machine in the middle of nowhere.
In case you were wondering, it didn't work.

Bush with shoes in it......?